Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I hate January;

*this picture has nothing to do with this post, but the only pictures I've taken all week are of this face. I regret nothing.

I hate January and I always have. I thought it would be more tolerable living in California, since I wouldn't have to deal with the ridiculous weather everyone else is having. But no. It's still meh. I always get a little depressed at this time of year, as most people do, but this year is the worst I've had it in a while. I have this overwhelming feeling of being bored and not being able to get motivated to do anything useful. On top of that I've been having some pretty bad driving anxiety these last couple weeks. Which has stopped me from wanting to do anything where I'd have to drive more that 10-20 minutes away from home.

This is all mainly why I haven't posted in a week, but it's also because I haven't really done anything worth writing about. I dunno, I just need to pull myself out of this funk and find something to motivate me. Especially because during the next two weeks I'm going to have to put up with my family posting all over social media about the awesome trip they're going on. I'm not able to go because of financial constraints and trying to be a grown up and be responsible with my money. This is only the second family trip in my life that I haven't been able to attend, and it's really sad for me. Especially because they're going to Disney World and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! Gah! Being an adult is rough and I don't recommend it to anyone. :p

In other news, I've been practicing weaving with some string I had lying around and a loom I made out of flashcards and tape. If I decide it's something I want to continue I'm going to buy some real supplies and do it right. For now it's just nice to have something mindless to do while catching up on tv.


  1. I'm sorry you won't be there on our trip. Try not to let it bother you too much. I'll bring you back something cool from the Harry Potter world ok? Love you!!

    1. I'll try not to, and thank you! I really appreciate that. Love you too!
